Monday, October 19, 2015

Letting Go

I found this online poster on Facebook.  I think this is probably good advice, but I'm not very successful in living my life this way.  I keep hanging on... I keep trying.  Sometimes it seems God has to come down in some form and say "Don't... do.... that... anymore.  Stop!"  Even then my brain will often interpret that as "Try harder, stupid."  And I still won't give up.  I have to believe that, since He's God, He understands my communication style and He manages to eventually get through to me.

I have come to accept that some things are beyond my ability to control... relationships, Randy's Alzheimer's, my own cancer, the weather.  But there has to be a releasing inside of me that tells me it's time to let go...  Living this way I have made some mistakes and had some heartaches, yes... but I've also lived an exciting life and accomplished things even beyond what I thought possible.

Maybe I'd have a more peaceful life if I could get better at letting go of how I think things ought to be.  Maybe I'll do that as I age and get more mellow and worn down.... and maybe I won't.  You'll just all have to stay tuned...




  1. You are already a master blogger./..

  2. I just saw you post on facebook and thought I'd wonder over and read your blog. Well done ! I look forward to checking back regularly.
